People have asked me why on earth am I doing "Tough Mudder".
Here is the reason why.
I am doing it to raise awareness of human trafficking and also to raise funds in the fight against it, particularly through the work of the A21 Campaign.
It is mainly girls and children that are trafficked. the girls are often beaten, raped and drugged and then forced into prostitution.
People have questioned my sanity just because I will face a bit of cold water and a few electric shocks.
Most trafficking is done BY men FOR men. So we, as real men, (you cannot count yourself a real man if you treat women this way) need to be part of the solution.
Check out this video that will explain a bit more about it.
As you watch it, every time your hear the name Natalia, change it to the name of your sister, daughter, girlfriend, wife. Then see whether it becomes personal.
This is why I am doing Tough Mudder.