It is not-
- Complacency- This is defined as being self-sufficient, self-reliant and unconcerned. It's an "I'm alright Jack" attitude. I have everything I need & everything I need I got for myself. It is also an attitude of being unconcerned about what is happening around us.
- Helplessness- There is nothing I can do for myself or for others. I have nothing so I will just accept whatever happens to me.
Paul also reminds in Phil 4: 13 that we are not helpless because through His strength we can do all things.
Contentment is not from external circumstances but an internal assurance of our relationship with Christ and what He has done for us.
Contentment is a capacity to be detached & independent from possessions.
Contentment is learned. Paul said that he had learned contentment. This means "disciplined by experience". Paul probably go it wrong, which was how he learned through experience. That definitely gives me hope.
People are more likely look at our lives when things are going wrong to see if we react differently as Christians than when everything is going well.
Do I show contentment in all circumstances? I don't want to be complacent or helpless.