Over the past few weeks we in the UK have faced one of the largest snow falls this country has seen in many years. I have watched with interest people's reaction to the snow and then to the circumstances and the problems that the snow caused.
The initial wonder & beauty that people saw soon turned to annoyance at the inconvenience caused. As someone who spent my childhood in Canada where the snow we have just seen would be only the start of about 5 months of up 6 feet. I still love the snow so I guess I am coming from a biased perspective but it has been amazing to see the reactions from people.
For some people the inconvenience was fairly small, for others it was large and for some it was downright dangerous.
So what are some of the reactions that I have seen?
1. Love the snow, don't want it to go, don't care what happens I am going to have snowball fights, enjoy the lie in on snow days and take loads of photos of me doing snow angels. Please let it stay until summer.
2. I love the snow even if it is causing me problems but am going to get on with it. I will think about snow tyres next year.
3. We like this but make it go away because I will have to change how I do things if it stays.
4.I hate the snow, can't wait for my holiday in the heat of Spain, but there is nothing I can do to control the weather so I will make the best of it & enjoy the hot chocolate with marshmallows.
5. I hate the snow full stop. I am going to complain about it and nothing is going to make me like it. I am going to blame everyone else for all the difficulties I am experiencing and do nothing to help myself. Oh, except complain even louder.
From my interaction with people, I don't think this is just how people deal with snow. It is generally a stance we choose to take in life.
Paul the Apostle was clear on the stance he took in life when he said, in Philippians 4:11-13
11 I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. 12 I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. 13 I can do everything through him who gives me strength.
There are quite a few things I love about these short verses. Here are a few of them-
1. Paul had to LEARN to be content. This gives me hope. I can learn this to. Paul didn't just decide from now on he was going to be content and that was it! He went through a learning process, and I'm just guessing but I reckon he probably got it wrong at times.
2. Paul's content wasn't based on external circumstances, it was based on his trust in God his strength.
3. Contentment is a secret but it is there to be grasped. If it is a secret it means we have to search for it.
4. Paul faced many situations, including being stoned, shipwrecked, imprisoned, prosperity and church planting. He was content in the worst of them and the best of them.
5. Paul realised that there were some situations that he could not control. The only things he could control was his reaction to them and where he placed his trust.
So I guess my question for you is, what stance will you take, not just with this snow, but in life?
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