And God rested on the seventh day from all His work that He had done. Gen 2: 2
One of the thoughts running through my head before we headed off to Disneyland was about justifying our holiday to people that know about it. Do they believe that I have done enough to deserve the holiday. Do I believe I have done enough to need a holiday. Trying to justify going away for 2 weeks by saying we haven't had a proper holiday in 4 years. What am I trying to prove? That I work hard or that I am a hero or that I my work is so stressful that I just have to get away?
God had nothing to prove with resting on the seventh day. He didn't need it. But he knew we would. So He set a pattern of work & rest.
I don't want to get on a performance treadmill where I have to prove my existence & value by what I do rather than what has been done for me & who I am becoming. But I also need to understand that God finished the work before He rested. I want to rest but it has to be resting FROM something, not just my default setting.
Anyway I am going to enjoy my holiday & rest with my family.